Old School Cool IPA
Name: Old School Cool
Style: Modern IPA
ABV: Less than 0.5% ABV
Quantity: 4pack/16oz. cans
Description: This seasonal beer is our tribute to some of the very first cool and trendsetting IPAs. For those of you in the know, think: Bridgeport IPA (rest in peace). Anyway, this track takes us back to what an IPA felt like in the 90s (or tasted like, anyway). West Coast IPA started to become refined around this time. It was growing increasingly popular. Brewers were using strong malt profiles to stand up to higher hopping rates. Pale ale sales were increasing (hello, Sierra Nevada!) and luring people into a stronger option in ABV and hop character.
So anyway, we remixed this one containing historic IPA flavors, with less than 0.5% ABV. IPA's today run from crystal malts and English grown pale barleys. All of the hops used in this one--Ahtanum, Nugget, Cascade, Columbus, Centennial--were original Yakima varieties primed for hoppy beers. In the end, what we ended up with is a taste profile with a hint of dankness but classic notes of Orange, Tangerine and Pine. This works really well with the grain bill that balances cracker and sweet breads.
So sit back, kick up those 90s sneakers (Tim and Nate both only wear New Balance 574’s, They haven’t gone full-blown dad shoe status, but close.) Put on your favorite 90s tunes and just think about how much cooler everything was then. (We're talking specifically about Pearl Jam vs. Imagine Dragons. If you prefer Imagine Dragons, you're wrong.) Think about how cool you could be now, if you had a Lamborghini Countach. Pair this with cheese and hamburger macaroni and an afternoon around the above ground swimming pool.